Lumber & Yarn Homes India Pvt Limited, a company incorporated under the laws of India, having its registered office at No.533, RT Nagar, Bangalore – 560032, Karnataka, India (hereinafter referred to as “Company”) offers various retail solutions which inter alia facilitates the design and for construction of homes (hereinafter referred to as “Services/Products”), promotes sale through its Website (hereinafter referred to as “Website”) to users of the Website(hereinafter referred to as “Users”). takes privacy protection very seriously and strict safety measures are put in this regard. Please read this document regarding privacy policy. The privacy policy (hereinafter referred to as “Privacy Policy”) together with the terms of service agreement, describes the Company’s policies and procedures on the collection, use and disclosure of the information provided by Users and Visitors of the Platforms. The Company shall not use the User’s information in any manner except as provided under this Privacy Policy. Every User who accesses or uses the Platforms shall be bound by this Privacy Policy.
This Privacy Policy is published pursuant to:
A condition of each User’s use of and access to the Website and to other services provided by the Company to Users, is his/her acceptance of the Terms of Service agreement which also involves acceptance of the terms of this Privacy Policy. Any User who does not agree with any provisions of the Terms of Service or this Privacy Policy is advised not to accept the Terms of Service and may leave the Website. collects your information to provide a safe, efficient, smooth, and customized experience. Company will only disclose information in accordance with this privacy policy. This privacy policy does not apply to our business partners, affiliates or third parties.
Note: Our privacy policy is subject to change time to time without notice. Please review this policy periodically to be updated about the latest changes.

1. What user information does collect?

a. Personal Information: Information knowingly disclosed by you collected on an individual basis.

1. Personal details self-disclosed such as customer name, email address, phone number and address while registering on platform. If registration is through third party, social networking or authentication service that we may make available such as Facebook Connect or Google, may also collect any personal information that you have provided to the Authentication Service from the account you have with the Authentication Service.

2. While browsing the Platforms, a User is not required to provide personal information until and unless such User chooses to avail or sign up for any of the Services/Products. All the information provided to the Company by a User, including personal information and personally identifiable information, is voluntary. The User has the right to request the withdrawal of his/her at any time, in accordance with the terms of this Privacy Policy and the Terms of Service. It is the User’s duty to ensure strict caution while giving out any personally identifiable information about himself/herself or his/her family members in use of any of the Services. The Company does not endorse the content, messages or information found in any Services/Products and therefore, the Company specifically disclaims any liability with regard to the Services/Products and any actions resulting from the User’s participation/use of/in any Services/Products. As a condition to use the Services/Products, you as a User agree to waive any claims against the Company relating to the same, and to the extent such waiver may be ineffective, you agree to release any claims against the Company relating to the same. Users can access, modify, correct, and eliminate the data about him/her which has been collected pursuant to his/her decision to become a User. Any grievances in relation to the information shared by the User with the Company may be brought to the attention of Company in accordance with this Privacy Policy.

3. For the use of the Services and purchase of Products, you may be required to pay the Company through the Company’s third party payment gateway provider and such third party payment gateway provider may be required to collect certain financial information from you including, but not restricted to, your credit/debit card number or your bank account details (hereinafter referred to as “Financial Information”). All Financial Information collected from the Users’ by the Company’s third party payment gateway providers will be used only for billing and payment processes. The verification of the Financial Information shall be accomplished only by the User through a process of authentication in which the Company shall have no role to play. Transaction or banking details such as credit/debit card number, cardholder name, expiration date and CVV or other information as required for internet banking or payment processing is not held by or the Company. The Financial Information collected from the Users is transacted through secure digital platforms of approved payment gateways which are under encryption, thereby complying with reasonably expected technology standards. While the Company shall make reasonable endeavors to ensure that the User’s personal information and the Financial Information is duly protected by undertaking security measures prescribed under applicable laws, the User is strongly advised to exercise discretion while providing personal information or Financial Information while using the services given that the Internet is susceptible to security breaches.

4. Previous orders and transactions including the product and pricing details, date of purchase, transaction information, payment history etc.

5. The Company does not knowingly collect personal data from children (only persons above the aged of 18 shall be permitted to use the Services/Products as provided in the Terms of Service Agreement). In an event, where in contravention of the Terms of Service Agreement, a person below the age of 18 uses the Services/Products, the Company shall not be held liable or responsible for any damage or injury suffered by such person in logging into the Platforms and making use of the Services/Products.
b. Automatic Information: Information which automatically gets accessible to Us by the virtue of You accessing the Platform on Your device, like location, email-id etc. We receive and store certain types of information whenever You interact using the Platform. For example, like many web sites, we use Cookies and we obtain certain types of information when Your web browser accesses the Platform or advertisements and other content served by or on behalf of the Platform.
Cookie is a small data file that Our server sends to Your browser when You visit the Platform. The use of cookies helps us to assist Your use of certain aspects of the Platform. You can delete cookies at any time, or You can set Your browser to reject or disable Cookies. We may use information from cookies for the following purposes: for monitoring IP address from which You access the Platform, type of browser and operating system used to access the Platform, date and time of Your access to the Platform, pages you visit, Internet address of the website from which you accessed the site to recognize repeat visitors for statistical /  analytical purposes.
Note: User generated content on the site shared by users via reviews, blogs, online chat or instant messages, discussion boards, forums, user testimonials etc. are not considered as personal information and is not subject to the terms of this privacy policy.

2. How does utilize user information?

We only collect user information as required to conduct our business and to enable us to provide the best services to our users and customers. We do not sell or rent this information to third parties.

User or customer information (as defined above) will be used as described below:
1. User and customer information will be sharable with our subsidiaries, affiliates and partners which are also involved in delivering the service to you as a customer in your buying process. We will also need to share some or all your information as governed in the case of acquisitions by or mergers with other business entities.

2. We use some of the user and customer information defined above to understand customer behaviour and thus offer better and more relevant experiences to you. We use certain information in an aggregated form across users to compile statistical and demographical profiles for our business and marketing activities.

3. We use this information to inform you about offers and deals, new launches, information about products you have purchased, order and shipping status, as well as other promotional and informational content. 

4. Cookies would be used to provide a customized experience to our users such as identifying recently viewed items (of interest to the user) as well as implementing wish list and cart features.

5. We use session log and traffic flow information to understand how users are interacting with our site and to make improvements. This will also be used by us to understand and analyze customer preferences, buying patterns and behaviour at an aggregate level.

6. We use IP address, traffic sources, user navigation across the site, browser, and Operating System information etc. to measure overall site performance in terms of number of users, user engagement, time spent by users on the site etc.

7. We will need to use user or customer information in case required in aspects such as legal disputes or other legal processes; comply with any statutory or regulatory requirement; troubleshoot problems; detect and protect against error, fraud and other criminal or illegal activity; collect fees owed; enforce our terms and conditions; prevent abuse of our services; prevent violation of the rights of third parties, other users or the general public. provides all users with the opportunity to opt-out of receiving non-essential communications from us on behalf of our partners, and from us in general, after setting up an account. To remove your contact information from, please write to us at [email protected]


Questions regarding privacy policy statement should be directed to the following address: [email protected]