Setting up a house can be an important milestone for some of us, it could also be overwhelming for some. In the world we live in, we have several options and choices to pick from. A design path will help you organise your thoughts, ideas and maybe, just maybe make the process less overwhelming.

Design path that you could use ( or mix them up as per your requirement. The main rule and probably only rule for design – See what works for you! )


It’s important to take some time out and note down how you would want to live in your house.How would you like to move around in your space when you get up in the morning? How would you like to arrange your cupboard or dresser? Would you want small drawers or open shelves? These notes will help you understand your design path, to add a touch of YOU while you set up your space 

The next three steps in the design path are to paint a picture of your mood board!


A theme is something or some element that is common all over the house, it could be the style – minimalist, boho, modern-, the style of furniture, it could be the style of all the door handles, the colours, the lighting, the materials or even the tiles! Pick any one element or two! Mix them up. something that will bring all the spaces together, something you love and can be the signature style of your house! Your designer will be able to help you with this forsure !


Home for most, is going to be their safe space, a space where they unwind and the kind of colour around us can have a huge impact on our mood. Figure out how you want to feel in each space, what colour soothes you, pastels can bring a sense of calm, theatre rooms can have darker colour to give you a great ambience, would you like it monotone and just a pop of colour? Use your reference pictures here, see what you like, discuss it with your designer and zero down on your colour. 



The market is large and the options are endless. Prioritise what works for you.
Are you someone with low maintenance ( laminated will work great for you ) or are you someone who loves patterns ( pattern tiles can add a beautiful touch to your floors ), do you like natural and organic materials ( go for mud finishes or red oxide tiles)  or would you want a classy finish? ( go for whites !). Of Course these are just a few examples, you can immerse into this ocean of materials during your design discussions



Now I know this is probably the main one for a lot of us, so you can work backwards if you like, but it’s good to have an understanding of your mood board, figure out what you like and try to work your budget around it. Tip – if you aren’t able to fit your budget with your design , try cutting out the furniture cost first, maybe you can buy your furniture later now that you know what feel you are looking for, i know my parents did this and we made great memories eating on the floor and watching       movies on the mattress, just make sure you stick to your theme when you buy your furniture.

And here is it, your design path. Mix it up, add points, make the design process and home YOURS. Happy home!